May 7th-8th May
After a wonderful part of South West Australia, it is time to move again, this time we are heading north west to Karlgarin, which is 20klm from Hyden. The point of interest to us here is Wave Rock. Most people in Australia are familiar with this image, it gained notoriety globally after winning a photograph exhibition and appeared in National Geographic in 1964. From then on the rest is history so they say, people flocked to this site.
Settled into a beautiful campsite, run by Andy, no Dave, no Bill, he responds to many names apparently, and also his mother, run a wonderful site, clean, tidy, interesting museum in a wonderful farm setting.Caravan Site
Local for a meal
This region was only starting to open up in the early 1920’s, but with the Great Depression and WWII, it was the 1950’s before things started to become more viable. Passing Lake King, as you can see the goods shed was a major meeting point as a bus passed through twice weekly from 1936 onwards, this brought not only people but important supplies, (mail, parts, essential foods and drinks etc which they collected from the shed). Those who lived in the surrounding area would wait for the bus, have drinks, socialize and have a general chin wag. A rail line for freight bringing the wheat back to the coast for export, was the life blood as early transport by dirt roads was unreliable and treacherous.
Goods Shed
Salmon Gum in Hyden
It is 400klm north west of Esperance and over 300klm from Perth, so not easy for those who visit Australia’s main attractions close to city regions. The Shire of Kondinin is over 7000 km2, with a pop of 850. It is a large wheat belt & sheep grazing area with many salt lake chains scattered across the landscape. They only grow cereal crops once a year, with annual rainfall of 325mm.
My image of Wave Rock was somewhere in a semi-desert or very arid region, much like Central Australia, but no, large undulating hills, wooded regions and green pastures. Until you turn off the main highway for 2 klm I would never have anticipated such a gem.
Surf City here we come…… Salt Lakes after rains
The wave granite rock is 15 mtr high and 100 mtr long. Water runs down the rock in wetter months, and we experienced the first winter rains earlier in Norseman, this weathers the rock and produces these beautiful colours. Pools form and flow down into the ancient river systems which once flowed and are now salt lakes. Plenty of bird wild life with the rains, saw a number of ornate lizards, and gecko, with plenty of frogs adding to the chorus. Hippo Yawn
Of particular interest is the abundant Sheoak, York Gum and Salmon Gum which covers this region.
We visited the Mulka Cave further north from Wave Rock, the legend has it that he married into the wrong group, this is frowned upon in Indigenous Culture. Out of his frustration he became angry and ate local children, and was feared in the district and lived in these caves. He was a tall and strong man, and his hand prints can be seen in the caves walls. These stories were an important lesson for children not to wonder far from the campfire, because of the evil giants like Mulka. The cave was a powerful place to be treated with respect.
Mulka Caves and surrounds, Mulka handprint
Hyden has a great metal artwork exhibition. An image below reminded me that Jim and Peter from Portland Oregon, may use this on their next bike trip to OZ, or is it Cathy & Jim on the tandem from California? Tandem for Peter & Jim
I am struck by our indigenous people who thrived on this land and the rich traditions they handed down, also the raw courage of those early settlers, clearing the land, bagging grain, establishing treks (no highways then) on farms miles from any towns. All of us have benefited from those that have gone before us for this I am grateful. Not many in previous generations have the opportunity to visit these distant treasures, long may it be possible.
Liam said I will get back to the hat another time dad. Clint Eastwood look-a-like? So I took a selfie and I tip my hat to you Liam.
Cameron and Jodie, the standard aussie van, 20′ and the imported unit from America, (notice steps on roadside) 17mtr in length with vehicle, which is a GMC pick-up, dual wheels, semi-articulated, so no ‘A’ frame which means the van is over 12 mtrs and about a metre higher. 2 x air-cons, 3 x slide outs.