Finally left 12 Easton Crt, three hours late, so many last minute things to do (story of my life), just earned 5 gold medals for gymnastics in my head. Houston we have a problem! pulled up outside number 14 Easton Crt. Yep incorrect towing set up, Paul forgot one key checklist procedure. Gerrard came out from No 14 and asked if we needed assistance. Thanks Gerrard, quickest solution, go back two doors and collect hydraulic jack to lift up caravan. Paul(son) thought it was hilarious seeing mum returning home pulling a large trolley jack back home.

We really are rookies.

20mins delay finally on the road. 400klm to Halls Gap, one of our favourite places of natural beauty in Victoria. The indigenous name for this region is Gariwerd, Major Mitchell who was the first European to walk this region, (1836) named it Grampians after the mountains in his native country of Scotland. The park, over 400,000 acres contains over 90% of Victoria’s rock art, is also a popular destination for hikers and rock climbers and contains abundant roos, emu, parrots and koalas.

Halls Gap Grampians: Best places to eat and drink, things to do | Herald SunNo time to view the beauty today (overnight stop only) Pinnacles on left

   HG is not complete without the abundant wildlife outside the van. Temperature noticeably cooling as we exit to warmer weather for the winter. In the USA they call the Canadians Snow Geese as they head south for the winter, in Australia we are Grey Nomads as we head north. Queenslanders call us Mexican because we are south of the border.

Martin from London, now lives in Trafalgar and Meredith from Tasmania, now lives in Hastings. Lovely to spend the night around the fire and tap into your knowledge of free camping. Safe travels.

Stopped for coffee in Nhill (nil). I love country towns, they have some common features which are instantly recognizable. Rotunda, where the brass band plays and colonial style hotels with the balcony. Our friend Karine from France asked when I showed her some of these images was,”Is it a cowboy town, a real one or just for fun”

Nhill Rotunda                     Local Pub

After 450klm arrive in Mannum an historic town on the banks of Australia’s longest river, the Murray, pop. 2400. The local indigenous people are the Nganguruku community. Freshen up and out for a local meal in the pub.

Views from the campsite

Tomorrow a further 500klm to Wilpena Pound to meet with my cousin Declan and wife Trish

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